Mark your calendars for the

5th Annual 1890s Multi-State Conference!

Mark your calendar for the 5th Annual 1890s Multi-State Community Nutrition Education Conference. Set for May 14-15, the event is hosted by Tennessee State University, Alabama A&M University, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, The University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Kentucky State University, North Carolina A&T University, Tuskegee University, Florida A&T University, Southern University and A&M College and South Carolina State University.

The conference is a means to pool resources related to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education      (SNAP-Ed) and Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) at 1890 land-grant universities.                        The overall mission is to build nutrition security and partnerships in communities.

Conference Registration

Make Your Donation Count!

This year, we ask all participants to donate $10 to the TSU Tiger Pantry to help support the students living in campus at Tennessee State University.

*Please make your donations before May 15th. This will complete the registration process and will grant you access to the conference link. If you do not make a donation, you will not receive the conference link.*

2025 Conference Agenda

View the 5th Annual 1890s Multi-State Conference agenda.

Walk Across The 1890s

Join us as we Walk Across the 1890s! This walking initiative encourages you to make an individual or group goal to move more throughout the course of 10 weeks. Registration is from February 10th to March 2nd!

Join the Facebook Group!

If you have a groundbreaking practice, cutting-edge partnership, program, or PSE (Policy, System, and Environmental) change related to the conference theme, "Building Strong Communities, One Meal at a Time: A 1890s Legacy," that you would like to share with your colleagues, submit your abstract today!

Click below to view the Guidelines.

Our Mission

The 1890s Multi-State Conference aims to concentrate on establishing relationships, opportunities, and programs within communities, emphasizing the multi-state effort involving Tennessee State University, The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Alabama A&M University, the University of Maryland Eastern Shores, Kentucky State University, North Carolina A&T University, and Tuskegee University. The focus of the conference is to bring awareness and improve food access in underserved communities across these seven states.

The conference is a means to pool resources related to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed) and Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) at 1890 land-grant universities. The overall mission is to build nutrition security and partnerships in communities.

Follow Us!

For Updates on the 1890s Multi-State Conference, follow us at #1890smultistate

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